How To Treat Pool Water: Check Out The Step By Step

Treat pool water is essential. It’s not just about the visual issue, but the users’ health, which is the most important thing. Dirty and contaminated water favors the proliferation of bacteria, viruses and fungi, bringing health problems. Do you know how to treat pool water? Avoiding these problems is much easier than solving them. For this, there are several types of treatment for the pool that prevent situations such as the appearance of algae, the greening of the water and the emergence of microorganisms.

The importance of treatment for the family and community

Just like taking care of the plants in a garden, pool maintenance is a care that should be part of the routine of those who have the structure at home. Even because we never know when that urge to take a dip will hit.

Also, it’s very frustrating when the day dawns sunny, but we can’t go in the water because it’s very dirty. As much as at these times the urge to dive into dirty water may come, breaking the rules in this case is not recommended.

This is because very dirty and untreated pool water can be contaminated by various microorganisms. These, in turn, can trigger diarrhea, respiratory infections, otitis, among other health problems.

How to treat pool water: step by step

The rule is clear: the longer you leave the pool water untreated, the more work and time it will take to get it back on track!

– Start by cleaning the pool area

Before anything else, even getting close to the water in your pool, you need to clean the surroundings. This prevents leaves, twigs and even pieces of grass from falling into the water when you’ve already cleaned that part. At this point, it’s worth using whatever resource you prefer, from a simple broom to an outdoor vacuum.

– Clean the strainer or skimmer

The skimmer, or strainer, is a piece of equipment that is close to the edge of the pool and prevents large dirt from entering the pipe. That is, everything that could damage the pump is retained there. Therefore, you need to clean this part of your equipment manually. Remove any dirt inside and proceed to the next step.

– Pass the sieve through all the suspended dirt

The next step in treating your pool water is to sift out any suspended dirt in the water. It can be leaves, sticks, insects and all objects that are floating. To do this, use the sieve with a long handle to reach the central parts of the pool.

– Brush the entire coating

Brushing is a fundamental part of treating your pool water and should never be left out. It removes the residues that accumulate on the walls and back. When this step is neglected, cleaning becomes increasingly difficult over time. But be careful and use the appropriate material for this.

– Vacuum the bottom of the pool

After brushing the pool, you should vacuum the bottom of the pool. That’s because everything that was detached from the vinyl blanket or tiles will be deposited in this place. And here’s a warning: it may be that between brushing and vacuuming you have to apply a decanter product and wait for time for it to take effect.

– Do the PH control to treat the pool water

The pH control is the last essential step in treating your pool water. It is she who, in fact, promotes a chemical treatment. For this, you must use the appropriate kit, where you will place the sample of the collected water. It is this kit that will give you parameters to equalize the amount of chlorine that will be needed. And be aware: the chlorine used must be specific for this purpose, and great care must be taken when handling it.

To treat your pool water, you need patience and dedication

This isn’t a five-minute task, but it’s definitely worth it and makes all the difference in water quality. The tip here is to set aside a day to do this in time for the weekend, when you can invite all the most important people in your life to enjoy the day and night in your pool.

After learning how to treat pool water in a complete and easy way, click here and visit our blog to see other content that helps and makes life easier for those who have this fun item at home.

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